Hello all,
I’ve no idea why really but i’ve decided to setup wordpress on this site. The original content and open source projects will be here again soon, the server we had was flakey at the best of times so bare with me on that.
What i’m aiming to do is open this site for technical posting really. I work for an ISP and over the past 6 years I often come across challenges and as a natural born problem solver I wish to share some of what I’ve come to appreciate when building a reliable service.
I’ve a lot of work to do on the site especially as I have no idea about wordpress. In my line of work the only things I seem to ever hear are that someone’s wordpress has been hacked so maybe this isn’t the best choice, but, lets face it I’m even less motivated to build a new site from scratch at the moment:)
Check in again soon:)…. Now, how do I publish this….
J Greig